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Maglev Train Branding

Made with InDesign, Illustrator, and XD

For this assignment, we were given a hypothetical maglev train brand by the name of "Quantum", and had to develop a brand based off of the name and a location of our choice that the train would be traveling to and from. I chose to make my train company based in Seattle, Washington, bringing the colors of the Washington flag into the branding as well as making the theme of the train centered around lightning, referencing the fact that Seattle is known for windy, rainy weather. The lightning theme of the train also emphasizes the fact that I wanted the train brand to come off as fast and sleek. The logo features this lightning bolt inside of an abstracted letter "Q" for Quantum. The result of this project was a futuristic, innovative, fast looking train brand that ensures their customers get to where they want to go at lightning speed.

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